buying a honda civic


Honda Civic EJ9 99
May 22, 2007
hi can someone tell me what to look out for when checking out a honda civic ej9 i think. well i need to know how to check if the milage is correct (i know you can check it with service book and MOT but if they aint got that how can i check if its genuin milage) plus anything eles you should look out for when buying a honda civic

dont worry too much about the milage, ask if the timing belt has been changed, when it was last serviced, EJ9 are pretty safe regardless of milage, make sure it runs and drives ok as some have rear bushes that need replaces, you may hear them knock or bang a little

make sure the engine isnt smokey, or the gasket leaking, the gearbox is fine and no noise or grinding etc, check the brakes, check the oil level in the engine etc too

rear arches can rust on these and can be expensive to fix so make sure there ok or saveable

Front slam panel when you open the bonnet, loads get super rusty make sure it isnt

rear open the boot and look at the panel just above where the rear bumper is held in, again look for rust

think thats about it except making sure all electrics etc work, wiring is ok etc, make sure its not had panels changed unless you were told of them before, check the clutch

HPI check it incase its a cat c or d etc

good luck mate
thanks next time i go look at one il do all this