J J joebickerton89 Jun 9, 2012 fair dude. yh its all in and running mate is only revving to 7k tho when the vtecs should be 8200 lol but will be sorted
fair dude. yh its all in and running mate is only revving to 7k tho when the vtecs should be 8200 lol but will be sorted
J J joebickerton89 Jun 7, 2012 alright mate did u change the gearbox on this vti engine at all as its proper close ratio lol and also when did it last have a service?
alright mate did u change the gearbox on this vti engine at all as its proper close ratio lol and also when did it last have a service?
J J joebickerton89 May 31, 2012 yh buddy thats cool haha love it just dont go through the engine loom or mounts or anything i need haha was your address buddy
yh buddy thats cool haha love it just dont go through the engine loom or mounts or anything i need haha was your address buddy
J J joebickerton89 May 31, 2012 yh if u leave it in there atm so we can here it running etc then chop it and get it out haha
J J joebickerton89 May 31, 2012 thats fine mate im 120miles from you so wer be leaving at 730ish to be with u for 930ish if thats alright?
thats fine mate im 120miles from you so wer be leaving at 730ish to be with u for 930ish if thats alright?
J J joebickerton89 May 31, 2012 ahh thats fair mate il need the engine gearbox driveshafts ecu engine loom engine mounts gear linkage manifold do u think u can have that all off by like 12 tommorow?
ahh thats fair mate il need the engine gearbox driveshafts ecu engine loom engine mounts gear linkage manifold do u think u can have that all off by like 12 tommorow?