I've found a cheap full B16A1 with transmission, driveshaft, loom, ECU, etc from a CRX VTi
Is it more or less a straight swap into a 2000 Civic Hatch? If not what parts would I need?
I reckon I might need an obd conversion kit, and a rear engine T-mount, I'm also a bit unsure whether the ECU...
My name is Ben, I'm from the UK, I've owned a EP3 Type R for years now and I've recently picked up a EK4 VTI B16A2, Brilliant little engine, few bits to sort out.
Couple of oil leaks around the head gasket area. Doing a full head re-fresh. Parts ordered and starting the strip down now...
Bought this gem recently
Honda civic
Ek4 sir ii
Every factory extra
Modulo sideskirts wheels and exhaust (honda optional factory extras
Only 140000km
2nd owner in Ireland
Mint condition inside n out
After owning a few hondas in the past iv recently been enjoying my daily diesel Seat leon BTCC which ticks most of the boxes and to be honest i was out of the honda scene for a short while and wasnt planing on looking back! Untill one day a friend told me he knew someone who had a 'box' shaped...
Can anyone tell me if my readings are good or bad is my o2 sensor slow ? Because I changed it for a stuck o2 sensor that was stuck at 0.18v , the o2 sensor I'm using is a spare one I had not new ,thanks very much ☺ the video clears up about 15 seconds into it.
Well lads :nice:
In process of building a b16 turbo im going to list what i have i would appreciate if ye could help me with the list :nono:
My goal is 280-300bhp Standard internals
Cheers to anyone that helps.
Heres what i have
b16a2 with new headgasket TB Oil pump Water pump and all...
Hi all. I am new to this forum craic. My brother and I bought an EK4 rally car back in October with the intention of competing in the National Rally Championship in 2017. The car was cosmetically rough but mechanically good boasting fully built stafford b16a on Itb's. Aesthetics don't win rallys...
Been on this ages but thinking of staring a build thread currently have a DA6 that I've started working on restoring and I'm adding a few little subtle upgrades as I go.
hey everyone! I have a jdm ek4 sir and it goes well. I recently checked the ignition timing and found it set to 10 btdc. Obviously they are set to 16+-2 btdc across the range as far as I'm aware. Any ways I set it to 16 btdc and feel it doesn't have the pull it used too. I know I can just put it...