Cant decide what cupholders i want! opinions!


May 15, 2012
Cant decide which cupholders to use in my ek9 currently have facelift. Only wanted opinions as the popouts sell for 60 usually could do with the cash.

Prefacelift are popout which are pretty cool, cons are only holds small drinks perfectly.

Facelift are deeper holes and storage at the back. Cons are it doesnt hold small drinks at all! ive thought about padding the holders so itll actually hold the drinks :p

Seems to me like they couldnt master the design quite right.
tegiwa makes cup holders at the momment, i don´t know how they perform but itś an option
Always used the pop out cup holders and never had any trouble

I think I have 2 spares somewhere
I had the pop out cup holder, thought it was awesome!