Engine sudden stall during idling and during driving


New Member
Jun 12, 2010
I have a problem with CEL comes one once awhile but goes away when switch off and switch back on. However recently the engines starts to dies off suddenly during idling or during driving. I decided to perform check code process. I pull out the socket and place a wire between the socket pin and switch on 2 steps. The CEL light stays on and does not blink. What is the problem? Could it be MAF or Air Flow Sensor is faulty?
check all your earths first.

How old are your leads, dizzy cap, rotor arm? if they've not been done recently I'd look to them as the next potential issue, I had similar issues on mine but with the fault being intermittent it was difficult to fault find... just had to go through all the possible causes from cheapest to dearest until I found it.
check all your earths first.

How old are your leads, dizzy cap, rotor arm? if they've not been done recently I'd look to them as the next potential issue, I had similar issues on mine but with the fault being intermittent it was difficult to fault find... just had to go through all the possible causes from cheapest to dearest until I found it.
Thanks Buddy.... Will look into that