EP3 recaro in ek9?


New Member
Nov 21, 2008
Can someone please confirm that an JDM EP3 recaro will fit straight onto an oem ek9 recaro rail ? Thanks.
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why? lol

edit: i know why now lol i forgot the jdm seats are diferent to the ukdm ones lol my bad

i beleve they do yes as they are the same as evo6 seats iirc
Haha yeh the JDM red recaros, I hate the ukdm with the type r logo and the hole in them haha
yep, they'll fit.
Ok I bought the EP3 seat but the rail was modified to fit another car. I now have no rail under the seat, what do I need to get it to fit into my ek9? Cheers.

The holes just don't line up at all... even the ek9 rails have smaller bolts as well. Where does the ep3 seats actually suppose to bolt onto normally? The slider?
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depends how you align it 1 or 2 bolts would line up with aid of a rubber mallet hitting down on the rails.
The rears i used galivinized bolts and drilled through the floor boards. I used the stock ep3 rails..

but its better and will align better if you use your ej8 or ek rails on the ep3 seats.
the ep3 seat bucket (square thing under the seat that the rails are bolted to) is tack welded on...you would need to break through those welds..

This link might help:




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