How my mate works on his type r lol

It's probably quite safe if the forks are wide enough apart.
I wouldn't be doing it but safer than a jack with the wheels off.
Legit right enough, this is my motor :nice: make sure the forks are in the right place and it's safe as you like :clap:
I bet it's safe, as them things can't lift a lot heavier then a 1200 kg ep3. I just wouldn't wanna lift my pride any joy up like that though, I'd rather spend a few hours with a jack and axel stands swearing,getting so angry I'd be having to walk away for 20 minutes to calm down then do this lol.
seen this on fb yesterday, i had to look twice to make sure i seen righ the first time :D
Bad idea jeans, but I am jealous none the less.
Having a lift would make things go so much easier, less painful.
But if its safe, which this does not look to be, then why the heck not use fork lifts.
Im sure the forks get in the way tho.
its not safe really, if the hyrdraulic feed pipe to the ram bursts, what do you do? run?
maybe theres safety check valves that will stop it from dropping but sometimes they are jammed etc because they are never checked on service! its like working under the cab of a lorry when its only half jacked up,very dangerous and has cost many people there lives!
id at least get two props made up to hold up the jibs incase anything like above ever happened!
safety check valves ='s none purely sitting on the overcentre. our manitou telehandler leaks past at a fairly alarming rate.

saying it's perfectly safe until it falls is not safe at all
Tbh it is safe unless a hydraulic pipe bursts which is rarely going to happen if your standing under that and it bursts then your time must be up lol. These things can lift alot of weight but ep3 weight spread over 2 is not heavy. It's just the same as a car ramp if it fails they have checks who says there working?
crazy fu(kers out on to hand it to them tho, very creative...and a hell of a story to tell if anything bad happens, if the person survives that is.