Seeing as how a fair few people post in the "For Sale" section, and don't know how to display pictures of their vehicles/goods, I thought I'd knock up a "How To".
Perhaps one of the mods could make it a sticky. :wink:
How to upload pictures to a Photobucket account
Ok, the first thing to do is log on to Photobucket and create an account. It's free, so there's no charges, and you can store thousands of pics. This will give you access to an on-line storage facility for your pictures and videos.
Here's the link:
Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket
Once you've created your account, and are able to log in sucessfully, it's time to upload a couple of pics.
Use the browse page (the browse section is shown below) to locate the chosen pictures on your hard drive.
Once you've selected the picture to upload, the file will appear in the list with a green tick against it (as shown in the second pic shown below).
Now you're ready to upload the pictures to your Photobucket account. All you need to do, is click the "Upload" button and after a couple of seconds, the file will appear in the list on the web page. A confirmation will appear showing that the file has been sucessfully uploaded (shown below).
It's as easy as that!
How to display your picture in a forum post
To display your picture in a post you've created or are commenting on, log into your Photobucket account, and select the pic you want to display. Beneath the picture, you'll see a check box, and four lines of text. An example is shown below.
You now need to click once on the bottom row of text (labelled IMG Code). Once you've done that, the line will highlight, and a small notice will appear telling you that it has been copied (shown below).
Now, go to the post you wish to display your picture in, and simply paste (or press Control+V) to place the line of text where you want the picture to go.
It's always wise to check that the picture is ok by using the "Preview" button provided by the forum. That way, if it's not right, you can change it's location.
Once you're happy with your post, click submit and take a look. :wink:
The finished article...