MeisterR ARC (Anti-Rust Coat) now available!


Feb 3, 2009
Corrosion is one of the biggest enemy of coilovers, especially in the UK where road salt are used over the winter.
Over the years, there are many recommendation for products against corrosion such as white lithium grease, waxoil, etc.

MeisterR have been working with a chemical specialist to bring you the latest protection for coilovers.
The MeisterR ARC (Anti-Rust Coat) is a chemical that bonds to any metal surfaces to create a thin lubricating layer that blocks and stop corrosion.


Once applied to a metal surfaces, the chemical create a 5 micron thin layer that is self sacrificial.
What that means is that the product will eat itself in order to prevent corrosion.
An application of ARC will typical last 12 months, but we recommend applying once before winter and every 6 months to ensure maximum protection.

We recommend applying the ARC before installation on all metal to metal surfaces (such as inside of the bracket where it contact the threaded damper case) and all exposed metal surfaces.

Note: As ARC will bond to metal surfaces, you must not allow the ARC to contact any part of the braking system.
If the ARC are bond to the brake disk, remove them with a solvent such as brake cleaner.
If the ARC contaminated the brake pad, we highly recommended discarding the brake pad as the ARC may be soak up up the pad material.

The ARC are £14.95 a bottle, and will easily do all 4 coilovers.
You can purchase them here:
MeisterR ARC (Anti-Rust Coat) - £14.95 : CyberSpeeds, The Performance Part Specialist

As an introductory offer, we will provide FREE SHIPPING for the ARC. :)

If anyone have any questions, please feel free to let me know.

Best Regards,

have you done much testing? Like a long duration test or has it been proven in the lab?

Sounds too good to be true :run: You got enough stock :P
It is very good, which is why we want to provide the ARC as an alternative to the old fashion white lithium grease.

As for long term test, the compound actually had been used for years by the U.S. Military... It is that good. :)

my meister r zetta s coilover from the passenger is knocking what could i do to repair this
My question would be, why do you not have every set of coilovers sprayed with this stuff prior to selling them to us? If its that good of preventing rust.... Yes i know that it only lasts 12 months and you would have to apply it again but least their protected for 12 months.. Or even be supplying a bottle with every coilovers bought.
my meister r zetta s coilover from the passenger is knocking what could i do to repair this

I'll PM You.

My question would be, why do you not have every set of coilovers sprayed with this stuff prior to selling them to us? If its that good of preventing rust.... Yes i know that it only lasts 12 months and you would have to apply it again but least their protected for 12 months.. Or even be supplying a bottle with every coilovers bought.

If I can, i would want them applied to every coilovers first.
But that mean longer production time, cost goes up, coilovers get more expensive.
If I include a bottle in every coilovers sold, then the RRP goes up in by the same amount which mean I am just making every owners buy a bottle of ARC instead of giving them a choice.

I aim to provide the best value for money, and we have to do all we can to keep cost low in this fiercely competitive market.
The MeisterR coilovers have very good protection against corrosion.
The ARC is an extra layer on top to help.

I would recommend the ARC to owners of coilovers (MeisterR or not).
But advance chemical isn't cheap, so I can't say we are in a position to freely give them away or apply them to all coilovers yet.
