Replica ARC winglets (edit)

I sent a a pm back but idk if u got it since there telling me that im not allow to send pm untill i have 10 post
Hey dude, would it be £45 now seing as its more then 25 buyers? Or am i reading it wrong lol

I would hopefully be buying an undrilled set for my facelift ek with mugen lip!
My address is:

Dani M. Lemus
1060 S. Norton Ave.#2
Los Angeles, CA 90019

Thanks! Let me know. Willing to pay asap!
that's pretty cool i give you props on coming up with a nice fabrication, but there's nothing like the real deal!!!!!!!

good luck on your innovations!
Hi guys,

Sorry been up to eyeballs at work!

Ramz tbh honest ive lost track as we havent had a list going like the first batch but i guess i can sort a deal out for anyone interested

Boro andy i still have a few sets left if your interested

Dextermann -pm'd

Macca not sure, is that what youve bought then? Youll have to come show me.

Redrexrob - thanks :)
Well i got my set and it was fast and i have to say that the TheBooosh...! Is a great seller and i recommend to any body, i paid him on friday and got them 3 business days later awsomeeeeeeeee and also good quality
Emailed. :)
£52.50 posted? Do you want me to send payment over? Thanks
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Just got my winglets! Easy and great person to deal with! I stay in California and I got the package in a week! The quality is top notch! Definitely will do business with again.