Thread title change


Active Member
Mar 7, 2011
I'd like to change my build thread title, I have tried through the edit page but couldn't seem too do it.
Can I do this or something a mod can do?

If you double click on the thread title it allows you to change the title buddy :nice:
You can change your thread title by editing the original (first) post you've made in the thread: Just click on Edit -> Go Advanced -> Title
Thanks for the replys, I tried that and it just changes the thread of the post within the thread not the title you see in 'new posts'
If you double click at the side of the title in the 'new posts' it does let you change it dude :nice:
I'll have to give it a go on a computer then, unless a mod wants to do it for me? :)
Thanks for the help guys :nice:
Pm me, I can help you :)