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  • hi mate, £140 is the cheapest i could take. the refurb alone cost me more than that! they are literally sat there in boxes waiting to go, if theres any chance you could collect before the weekend that would be awesome!
    just welding cage in at mo so quite along way off yet but hope to do abingdon or benson as they are both on my door step , when you out again,
    Hello mate, I remember.
    Unfortunatly a valve retainer broke and dropped a valve and minced most of the engine, it wasnt an ek9 engine so no great loss just a shame as its done so well, and was fastest 1600 all day apart from stage 11 when I broke off the gear lever halfway through the stage, were on for 12th overall and 2nd in class aswell, gutted!
    How far along is your build? Im far from an expert but any questions you have or indeed advice, all welcome :)
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