Angel-eyes OR Standard Headlights.


Apr 22, 2011
I am stuck on what to choose basically
The car atm has angel eyes and I know there not to everyones taste but i like them on the car... BUT I kinda want a change to.
Ill put pictures down below of my exact car and headlights then a picture of my standard ones which i painted

So which ones!

* My Current Lights


My Custom Painted Standard lights (EK9 Attempt)


Sample Picture of Ek9 Headlights


i doubt you'll get many angel eye fans on this site. those reps you've done look sweet! :nice:
Thanks Elchunk, was bit nervous about taking them apart etc. but yeah was pleased with the turnout. :)
Im not a massive fan of them but they came with the car and they were something different but a bit fed up with them now.
Think its fair to say the OEM look sweeps the floor of all else! lol
its oem for me although i seen a black ek with black angel lights and it didnt look that bad
where abouts did you see it mate i live on the donegal border more a less.
it was in letterkenny one night lad but this is going back a few month and i havent seen it since, i think it was sold soon after i seen it, it was a vti with a few nice mods
Ahh ii see naw wasnt me i dont think. I was up for a jon44w cruise a month or two ago but thats it.