Any gaming people help with a laptop choice?

I'll chose the MSI since it has a SSD + HD and the ASUS only has a 1500GB "normal" hard drive.

And honestly that kind of computer without a SSD is a NO NO!

Its like having a Ferrari with a VW engine..



You're not overclocking so the 4700HQ i7 in the 750 isn't needed.

GT70 is listed as 1600mhz DDR3 although its more than likely the 750 has the same.

As said, the GT70 comes with a SSD so great for you to install your OS on for dat speedy boot yo, whilst using the disk hard drive for your rubbish. (space is cheap anyway)

Rest is pretty much same, good stand alone GTX 770M < main point for gaming.

My honest opinion - build a desktop for half the price. But you may need a laptop for other reasons.
i have a gaming DT already, just want to game on the move...
SSD has been the best upgrade I have ever done to a laptop. Wouldn't go back to HDD now
Really happy with the lappy, heres some scores -
Vantage 19672
3DM 11 4882