black ek9 or white ek9


Sep 9, 2011
as the title says im u decided between the 2 ? so need ur opinions please, i have seen a 98 black ek9 wif 77kil for good money but wif the white ek9 i think it will just stand out the bit more than the black . what u guys think?
the car is in the rep of ireland thimkin of bringin it up north mate

lol... engrish...
Yellow ek9 FTW ! I think they all look nice but White with White wheels stands out like a bastard!
Surely the best colour would be the one YOU prefer?? I prefer white, but surely what I say has no sway on what you buy!?!
None of us will be buying it! Buy what colour you like bud!
If i was to choose ide go for a Black EK9 just because theres so many white ones :D

Well ide have a silver one really :)
It is all upto personal choice mate, personally I would go for the black one as white is the most popular :nice:
Lets all wait on Chris coming in sayin black :p
Cw its really nice but I preffer the black one since its less popular out there but its all personal choice on what's your gols as far as looks.
if it was me i would go for a black 9 :) too many cws going round although its a nice colour i dont think black 9s get enough rep
irish ? only askin on what wud b best colour ?

Would be nice if you'd try to type proper English. Besides being annoying for some people (especially people who's native language is not English and people that are not that good at English), it's also less readable. Thanks :nice:

Ontopic: now that i have a cw DC2, it annoys me how fast my car gets dirty. After rain you see black dirt stripes all over the car, especially the rear and you really need to wipe it off. High pressure is not enough.