Capital Seating - Recaro Seat Covers?


Jul 17, 2008
Hi! Has anyone had any durability issues with their Recaro Seat covers from Capital Seating? I just purchased a pair and noticed one of them had a stain or impression from the velcro strap it was packaged with. I tried cleaning it with a sponge and some soapy water and the inner fabric/liner started to tear away after a few minutes of scrubbing. While the outside seems fairly durable, the inner layer fails in comparison. And at 37 GBP each, I expected better.
I have a pair of these in my car and paid £90 delivered for both and one has torn quite badly :mad::mad::mad:
Perhaps...but the Tegiwa covers sound almost identical to those that Capital Seating sells. Who knows if they really are more durable without first-hand experience, but they certainly are cheaper.

Yeah. The fabric should be a lot stronger and not tear so easily. Also, they should come with a stain/water repellant coating on the fabric. Sure, I could apply some myself (and I will) but the price should include that.
yeh mine are stained from me sitting in there with oilly clothes still i dnt use em all that much any more bit of a waste of £90!!!