D series questions

King Sir

Apex Master
May 3, 2013
Been a b series head for years but iv ventured into the wonderful world of d series. (probably think im goin backwards but i like em)

I want to turbo my d series and i have the standard eco tec box on it at the mo with the long ratios.

I have a short ratio box off a d14 at home i was wondering would that be better on the d15z6 or would i be better off stayin with the long ratio one for when i turbo it?

Any advice on d series or anything about em would be great.

Tips or tricks would be great too as i am new to d series vtec haha (very quiet compaired to my b16a) lol
2 cents.... the 92-95 have aluminum shift forks, where as the 96-00 Civics used steel shift forks. I would think steel would be the better option for obvious reasons. Welcome back to the SOHC club haha
Thanks for the mention Pete!

In all honesty there really isnt much difference in the ratios of the d series boxes. Yes they are different but that minimal that you wouldnt notice in my opinion, especially when boosted.
How much power are you looking for?
D series boxes arent the best box out there you can easily shred a box if they are old, always best to do a refresh or even build a box with custom ratios... just all depends on your goals and power figure.
ok thanks lads. Am well there is a massive difference in the two boxs i have one is short ratio and one is very long ratio.

Obviously for mpg rather than spm haha.

I want to turbo the engine on stock internals with a small turbo on low safe boost. Id be happy if i got a very usable 190 - 200 bhp its more of a iv a turbo civic look at me thing haha.

(I want boost noises and turbo flutter) Yes i am a child haha. And a turbo timer.