lightweight flywheels

bonus i like especially if you get lightweight clutch kit with it is weight saving

as said above every mod is about compromises, ive run mine for 3 maybe 4 years, would ideally like to go to 1 about 4.5 - 5kg region
I found the theory behind calculating what you gain with al lighter flywheel. The faster the car the less the absolute gain. What it basically comes down to is a theoretical gain of 0,1-0,2 seconds from 0-60 and above that no more noticable gain cause air resistance is a mucht bigger issue on higher speeds than the weight of your drive. I have never found any real life numbers. So my expectation is that the speed gain is largely placebo. I'm not saying I'm right per definition, but the only numbers available are those calculated in theory, there are no number in real life measured on a dyno or so.

But, as RA describes, the car reacts way different when pushing the gas pedal. So the feel changes. Because speed gain doesn't seem to be big I'd rather spend the money on something else unless you can get it cheap and your tranny happens to be of your car anyway. Or, if you really happen to like the feel of the car with a lightweight flywheel, it might be the mod for you.
The lighter the flywheel the better the acceleration . but due to less momentum when you lift off the throttle it will decelerate faster. the flywheel has it's ups and down . but i would rather get one due to high acceleration.