midpipe and LCA touching question


Dutch EK9 owner
Jan 27, 2009
'97 Honda Civic EK9, 2006 Honda CR-V RD6
Hi guys,

I have a question about my recently bought EK9.

i noticed that my midpipe, where it goes up, goes up a little 'too late'.

it's a bit touchy with my LCA, and i was wondering what happened with this. I will try some things soon (see if it's the midpipe or maybe the catalystic converter that is out of place) but i was wondering if anybody who has an ek9 has seen this on his/her car before, and can tell me what they tried?


Good point. Yes, all OEM (or so i think) LCA's are OEM no doubt about it. My doubt is laying with the midpipe itself, problem is i don't have a car to compare with. It's about 2" / 2.5" thick, this a standard midpipe on a EK9?
2.25 is what the OEM CTR is.

Best to take a picture to see if we can definitely conclude that it is in fact, all OEM.

The OEM midpipe actually has no part that curves. It is completely "flat" the axleback/backbox is the pipe that curves up and over the LCA.
True, i am talking about the axleback i guess. My technical english isn't that good :p

I'll try to make a picture this weekend, see what i mean.