off to Scotland!

cheers guys, proper shitting myself already! hope i get it! :nerv:
enjoy the snow! joke! good luck with this job! hope ya get it!
going to have to do a survival course in the sea before i'll even get the job (need to brush up on my swimming skills!) :naughty:

just bring your arm bands are you'll be sorted...:D best of luck with the interview mate :nice:
well, first off: Scotland your roads are CRAP! lol roadsworks around Glasgow suck balls and then all the random massive potholes on the roads that you have to dodge! :wow:
My interview on the otherhand went fine, was chatting with the MD of the company! :wow: But he was very friendly and although he said my background wasnt suited for the job he needed he recommended a couple of other companies that he though would be better suited for me! So more CV's out now and waiting for word back! :D:angry2::D:angry2: lol
At least you got more options from it though.

As for the roads...we pay the tax but what does it get spent on?
er not the roads anyway! lol. heading back down the country this evening so i'll see if its any better on the other side of the road! :))
glad to har ur interview went well m8 aw the roads are terrible my cars over the years have suffered a serious pounding lol
yup, roads are shocking here and every 2nd road they seem to be bloody digging up... hopefully fixing the bloody holes everywhere.
Chunkster how dare you pass through glasgow and not pop in for a coffee :p
well, let me know when suits and i could stop off on the way through??? :))
gonna need to find somewhere to wash my car first though as its now a grey/brown with a fly textured front! :naughty: