Gym/Fitness thread

Don't take to much of the powder as it can give you stomach cramps or worst case crystallise in you. Drink lots of water to flush your system though. ETHYL ESTER was good as well but you need to take 8-10 a day.
Don't take to much of the powder as it can give you stomach cramps or worst case crystallise in you. Drink lots of water to flush your system though. ETHYL ESTER was good as well but you need to take 8-10 a day.

Yeah over-use can cause kidney or bladder stones, cant remember which lol
This is just from looking it up, i dont really have any fact to back that up
If you drink plenty and piss a lot you will be fine. You could take HMB as well it will help you with lean muscle tissue. Are you taking vitamins/cod liver oil? How many times are you training and what muscle groups? (that's to General)
I have only recently started in the gym again after not being a member since my membership ran out 3 years ago! Been at it now for 7 weeks and im just taking protein shakes. Im using Gold Standard and im finding it very good! Quick recovery and im now starting to notice the gains! :)
If you drink plenty and piss a lot you will be fine. You could take HMB as well it will help you with lean muscle tissue. Are you taking vitamins/cod liver oil? How many times are you training and what muscle groups? (that's to General)

I've never taken HMB to be honest, I've looked in to it briefly but not in to great detail.

I've got some Omega 3 capsules. What other vitamins would I need?

I'm training 3 times a week at the moment.

Monday- Chest and triceps
Wednesday- Shoulders
Friday- Back and biceps

Rarely, we will go on a Saturday morning where we do legs. I really need to get some sort of cardio as I need to get rid of some fat on my stomach.

Edit: Found these, supposedly HMB and creatine in one? Any views?
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Try them if they only cheap different brands work for different people you might like them and get more benefit from them or you might not only you can find out!
I've never taken HMB to be honest, I've looked in to it briefly but not in to great detail.

I've got some Omega 3 capsules. What other vitamins would I need?

I'm training 3 times a week at the moment.

Monday- Chest and triceps
Wednesday- Shoulders
Friday- Back and biceps

Rarely, we will go on a Saturday morning where we do legs. I really need to get some sort of cardio as I need to get rid of some fat on my stomach.

Edit: Found these, supposedly HMB and creatine in one? Any views?

Legs are very important and should be hit hard every week, esp with compound exercises like squats, leg press!. Training legs will increase your strength in all other areas aswell since they are ur biggest muscles, you will produce more muscle building chemicals into your body when training them

Cardio is also important. Start with 5-10 mins moderate cycle or cross trainer to warm up before lifting weights. Then 10-20 minutes after as your heart rate will still be well up after weight training its the best time to burn fat.

Weight lifting shouldnt really last any more than 45min each day. I try to lift heavy but still maintain between 8-12 reps per set. Form and technique are far more important than the weight unless you are training for power lifting!

I started training about 3years ago because i needed to put some weight on, started at around 10 stone and my after just over 2 years i was 13.5 stone and 9% bodyfat. Had a couple of injuries lately trying to push it and lift too heavy and all it did was ruin my progress! Dropped down to 12.5 stone after not being able to train but back training again and im around 13 stone again but lifting a bit lighter to avoid any further injury

Only take protein atm, i like the PHD pharma whey as it has aminos and glutamine. Kre-alkalyn seem to work but give me a headache

More importand is to eat well at least 5 healthy (not large) meals a day and sleep at least 8 good hrs a nite. Alcholol and drugs will hold u back from making good progress but everything in moderation
Legs are very important and should be hit hard every week, esp with compound exercises like squats, leg press!. Training legs will increase your strength in all other areas aswell since they are ur biggest muscles, you will produce more muscle building chemicals into your body when training them

Cardio is also important. Start with 5-10 mins moderate cycle or cross trainer to warm up before lifting weights. Then 10-20 minutes after as your heart rate will still be well up after weight training its the best time to burn fat.

Weight lifting shouldnt really last any more than 45min each day. I try to lift heavy but still maintain between 8-12 reps per set. Form and technique are far more important than the weight unless you are training for power lifting!

I started training about 3years ago because i needed to put some weight on, started at around 10 stone and my after just over 2 years i was 13.5 stone and 9% bodyfat. Had a couple of injuries lately trying to push it and lift too heavy and all it did was ruin my progress! Dropped down to 12.5 stone after not being able to train but back training again and im around 13 stone again but lifting a bit lighter to avoid any further injury

Only take protein atm, i like the PHD pharma whey as it has aminos and glutamine. Kre-alkalyn seem to work but give me a headache

More importand is to eat well at least 5 healthy (not large) meals a day and sleep at least 8 good hrs a nite. Alcholol and drugs will hold u back from making good progress but everything in moderation
good write up,legs is over looked by some people who just want big arms lol very important and as mugen said the monohydrate creatines are none flavoured so can be taken in protein but the likes of cellmass etc cant
To lose some fat my advice on suplements goes to:

Mitrotopin by gaspari nutrition

Spirodex by gaspari nutrition

Stay away from carbs....
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As said train your legs last thing you want to be is top heavy, there are a good few lads in the gym that don't train them.

As for training i train 4 times a week

Chest/ Biceps
Back/ Tricep
Shoulders/ delts/ Traps and neck
Then Sunday Legs
Cheers for the info lads.

With technique, I think I'm doing something wrong on the bench press. I feel my triceps knacker me out more than my chest...where am I going wrong? I know it's difficult to say without seeing me do it.

Any opinions or recommendation on the HMB capsules?
Try a wider grip there should be marks on the Olympic bar cover that with your little finger and grip the knurled bit of the bar. On your chest do flat bench, incline flys with dumbbells, decline bench with the bar then the pec deck. To finish do under arm cables bringing them together just above chest height. Doing this will work the whole of your chest do 2 set at 10-12 reps on each. As for the HMB Met-Rx do them that's what I'm taking at 4 a day. If you still have my number give me a shout if you want to know more I've been training now for 12years so know a fair bit :)
Try a wider grip there should be marks on the Olympic bar cover that with your little finger and grip the knurled bit of the bar. On your chest do flat bench, incline flys with dumbbells, decline bench with the bar then the pec deck. To finish do under arm cables bringing them together just above chest height. Doing this will work the whole of your chest do 2 set at 10-12 reps on each. As for the HMB Met-Rx do them that's what I'm taking at 4 a day. If you still have my number give me a shout if you want to know more I've been training now for 12years so know a fair bit :)

This is true but I believe and have heard from a few Pro-bodybuilders watching the active channel etc that Incline bench press is a better overall way to work the chest and it should be the main position even for benching. I also feel that declines and flat bench bring too much shoulders into the movement

I have always been a fan of incline dumbell bench press and gives the best pump but heavy dumbell pressing can easily lead to injury when lifting them from your knees up and then bringing them back down after the set. I found this out the hard way and injured my rotator cuff, still very painfull lifting dumbells up and down into the bench position so tend to use the incline barbell press more atm.

Dumbell Flys, peckdeck and cable flys are great for a good pump and some definition. I do incline dumbell flys 8-10 reps then without setting them down go straight into pressing them for another 8 reps, this really burns the chest at the end of a workout but tend not to do it every week.
I have to agree with the above, it was just yesterday when we were doing flat bench press that I was saying to my mate, " I seem to feel it in my shoulders for some reason"
Inject Clenbuterol, Job doneee! :drive:


Took this before in tablet form mainly as a fat burner but gives you bit of strength increase for 1st couple weeks.... Not that good, wouldnt bother taking it again.