
JDM Jake

New Member
Aug 21, 2009
I'm Jake i'm 16.... I dont own a car yet but I would like to get a Yellow Jordan's Civic in the next year or so but in the mean time, I'm from Oxford I LOVE JDM cars.... My dad owns a 95 R33 GTSt Skyline with roughly 350bhp+.
If I dont get a Jordan's Civic I wouldnt mind something like this http://fc07.deviantart.com/fs28/f/2008/132/5/b/Spoon_EK9_Civic_Type_R_a_by_huy_nguyen.jpg with a few mods like a 6" Exhaust system, Intake, Racing Chip maybe? anyway thanks :D
1. welcome
2. you never insure a jordan as a first car and add mods
it will be 6k plus let alone insure you at all
3.6" exhaust are you crazy? you could fit you head in that
Welcome to the forum !

As Mat said you will never get insured ona jordan a 17 but you could easy get a 1.4 EJ9 and with say £500-1000 you could get it looking like a jordan on the outside.

Please for the love of God dont stick a 6 inch exuast on a small little civic 4 inch is the most and even that looks abit wank to me.

Each to there own though.
1. welcome
2. you never insure a jordan as a first car and add mods
it will be 6k plus let alone insure you at all
3.6" exhaust are you crazy? you could fit you head in that

Never know.... If I dont go for a EK9 a EG6 will be fine... Anyway were you at the Reading Meet on Tuesday night, Cause I think I see your car there or a similar one, Nice car though!!! :D
Welcome to the forum !

As Mat said you will never get insured ona jordan a 17 but you could easy get a 1.4 EJ9 and with say £500-1000 you could get it looking like a jordan on the outside.

Please for the love of God dont stick a 6 inch exuast on a small little civic 4 inch is the most and even that looks abit wank to me.

Each to there own though.

I was ment to put 3" but I pressed 6 by accident as I was using the "Num Lock" keyboard for that :D and its not gonna be as a first car i'm gonna get some crap like a Micra or something so I dont crash the Civic in to posts and kerbs :D
if u think ur gunna crash dont even get a micra, ur only gunna hurt urself n otheer innocent drivers...
i can read dude coz u said im gunna get a micra so i dont crash the ek9? y wood u crash d ek9 n not a micra? doesnt make sense
if u think ur gunna crash dont even get a micra, ur only gunna hurt urself n otheer innocent drivers...

And its also so I can get used to driving in a crap car before driving something like a Civic, Cause I dont wanna reverse a Civic into a post do I?
oh ahaha you should of explained everything in the first post lol
you have the right idea mate
and yea i was mate
i can read dude coz u said im gunna get a micra so i dont crash the ek9? y wood u crash d ek9 n not a micra? doesnt make sense

Lets say ive just passed my test and i'm in a car park in my Civic and I go in to a parking space and BANG I dent the bumper.... If I did that in a Micra I wouldnt give a dam, So I Micra will help me not do that when I finally buy a Civic now back on topic aye!
yeah man
ive never seen them before

The grey one was my dads :naughty: We basically go every month but the last 2months we ent been, But tuesday was a good night.... Part from the bellend trying to drift in that MR2 :wow: That Green RX-7 that came is "Believed" to have 1100Bhp if thats true THAT IS A BEAST!!! :drool:
yeah was good
i was one of the guys with the remote controlled drift car, i dont know if you saw it, we had it out for about 5 minutes
yeah that thing looked so track orientated
did you see the R34 GT-R that thing has about 800 bhp
yeah was good
i was one of the guys with the remote controlled drift car, i dont know if you saw it, we had it out for about 5 minutes
yeah that thing looked so track orientated
did you see the R34 GT-R that thing has about 800 bhp

R34? I didnt see that there... You mean the Midnight Purple R33 GTR? with gold wheels, If so the owner is called John and our Intercooler came out of that :D!!! And I did see the electric car. I want one maybe if I could find someone who could swap my Nitro one with one I could be over there with it!!
r u telling me if a p-plated micra reversed into ur pride n joy u woodnt want that dude to b off d road? or did u just get ur license n need a micra to mattharvey12yrs old? i understand every1 needs to learn but if ur not confident in driving stay off d busy roads till u can