What is torsion bars?

no, they are a type of spring some cars have, like the the rear of a honda fit/jazz.
torsion bars are found on the back of peugeot 106gti and saxo's etc . instead of using a set of shocks and springs they jus use a shock on each side and a bar i.e torsionbar for the damping affect . worst setup ever invented imo
Hung Drawn and quartered

Makes it easy to lower your car though...

"AWWRITE MATE, Just put it doon Two clicks at the back mate, that'l Look helfy man"
does the fn2 not have a torsion beam rather than torsion bar?
torsion beam still has an individual shock and spring per side where as the torsion bar only has a shock per side and the spring is produced from a bar under torsional stress.
correct me if i'm wrong of course :)
not kl at all i reckon who decided that should be shot dunsy

Honda don't need to equip the modern Type Rs with things like IRS, most of the people buying them will be reps getting their company car, no-one's going to know the difference apart from hardcore fanatics who will be sticking to the older and more nimble models anyway.

Cheaper to manfucture and only 1% of the customers will even notice, let alone complain. Good move by them I say.