1990 crx zc

got the interior stripped out, apart from the old dash coz iv no room in the garage to fully open the doors to get it out :L but none the less its stripped

Gave the spare wheel well a rub down and paint with gloss black to see how it would come out, even though a gave it a sand down.. it still come out a bit rough, looks worse in the pic than it actually is. was stuck between grey and black but goin ahead with black now :)
stripped the front end down aswell and gave it a goin over with a wire brush and some sand paper to get the surface rust off and gave it a coat of primer to stop any more rust coming through for now, only small updates for now as im still saving for a good engine as i want one bought and sittin waiting before i start any serious stuff... current engine is still in the car but il be gettin it broke down and sellin or binning what i dont need.

slow and steady for now
thanks mate, startin to get stuff done now so will be updating within the next few days :)
thats wat im aiming for :) will be alot of body work stuff goin on when the engine stuff has been sorted, currently stripping the engine but iv found that who ever was last near the engine hasnt done a good job, bolts were barely tight on the head internals, the loom has been cut and re done..literally just wire wrapped round and electrical tape over it.... so glad im rippin that engine out coz its guff....
things are starting to pick up more, got more free time to work on the car so i can get more done :) picked up ANOTHER set of front lights a i bought a set, received sir lights that were smashed and the guy wouldnt refund me.. however, a random guy on crx-uk messaged me on fb askin if i need anything as he was breakin a vtec crx no to far away. he was kind enought to hold some bits for 2 months, only need a vtec/sir bonnet now but thats gettin left until the major stuff has been done.

also managed to get the head of the block as its damaged, this is the cars 2nd engine, the head gasket went in the factory zc and instead of fixing it, the engine was replaced. i had found some tell tale signs the swap had been done poorly, but in removing the head i found even more, the loom has been taped and cable tied where ever there is space, wires with no use cut and left, missing bolts, odd bolts, alot of washers, and the top of the block, after removing the head and the gasket, has about 2mm of sludge and grit all over it, which explains the amount of oil i found down the back of the engine :/ so glad i decided to take it off the road when i did, unfortunately i cant upload any pics, but i will during the week as im making a start to unplugging and removing everything from the block and hopefully have the block and gearbox out this weekend :)
spent most of the day in the garage, couldnt get a hold of an engine crane off ma mate to get the block and gear box out, so i i thought id make a start to the body work issues, started repairing a wing i had dented being an idiot, and also thought id make start to mocking up this duckbill wing

working away while the rain started so wasnt for leaving the garage :L

im more of a repair instead of replace if possible when it come to cars, no point in saying your cars built not bought if ur not willing to fix a little body work here n there :) no major dents, i studied panel beating at college to so im not going in blind sighted and clueless lol

so..a few weeks ago i thought it would be a good idea to roll the car out the garage and have a good clean up, stupidly didnt take the steering lock off and as i rolled the car out...the passengers wing and wheel caught i bit of metal flange on the door runners, scrapped the paint off the face of the wheel and took a huge scarping of paint of the wing, dont have any body filler at the moment so just sanding and taking what high and low spots a can out.

couple of other dents to sort on the doors and quarters, although i think a new passengers door will be needed, full bottom edge under the plastic trim is rusty as f....

and...AND... finally got some time to mock up a quick plan for this duck bill wing, i was originally going to use the stock 16v wing and an ebay eg duckbill, but if the way iv worked it out works...all il need is to make some kind of mould and fibreglass :) my pla is just to use the stock 16v wing, but tilt it up and make the rest...


angle wise im unsure....iv done it more up right and with a bit of back tilt ...but unsure what would look best


it does look a bit big in the pictures but its not as bad in person...but as a said it is just a quick mock up for now...im more focused on getting an engine for it first :)

il be busy during the week at work as we are really busy but i will try and get some more updates when a can :)
Hope the spoiler idea works for u man always wanted to do somethin similar with th eg but i dont know anyone that will fiberglass for me haha
Thanks mate, im really hopin it works out good aswell... if it works really well then later on in time i migt make a mould and get a carbon one made :)

Not the hardest thing to learn tbh but it can be tricky lol
not been much going on recently due to work, but i managed to pick up 2 16" 7j te37s from a fellow ek9.ork user one is in need of a weld and a flat spot removed, the other has 4 very small flat spots that i only noticed because its what i do at work...there so small i could leave them but i want them as perfect as possible. fortunately i can have them repaired at my work :)
the damage to the worst of the the 2 te37s, its not the worst iv seen...
quick update: started painting the cage and inside, the dash is still to be removed but it will be coming out soon as possible so a can continue and finish painting the inside.

Moulding the spoiler has been put on hold as a need to get hold of non drying plasticine clay as its easier to use and i dnt have to cover it with anything to start thr moulding process
thanks lads, hopefully get more of the cage done this weekend, currently trying to get the dash out so a can paint the cage down the a pillars too :)

also messaged a guy about a b16a2 engine, unfortunately its provisionally sold...although he has said if the engine is not paid for by sunday, then its onto me :)
Update after all day in the garage, the dash is out :) once iv painted the cage and floor the new dash will be goin in and il be cutting it around the cage to keep it tidy
and as you can see from the pics the cage has now got its first coat.. Also decided to get my speedhunters sticker on the widnscreen :).
bit of a bad photo but ma hands were covered in paint :L

And some good news on the engine.. Have paid part of what was being asked for it, and il be paying the rest when a collect the engine at the end of the month :)
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picked up the b16a2 at the weekend, got a preface lift type r ecu and buddy club vtec controller with it :p couldny get it in the garage as a planned so took the intake off it and its sitting here just now until a can clear more room, need to get mounts and some loom conversion stuff then a full service on the engine, get some bits powder coated at work for now :)

Also...off work today so managed to get most of the floor painted, just the drivers side front to do and some small bits to touch up on the cage and thats it all done :) unfortunately cant upload a pic as its sayin its to large a file :( but il get some upnas soon as a can :)
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