1990 crx zc

cant wait to get it finished..still a long way off though , but need to find out how to run the obd2a loom first, really want to stick with it to run the ek9 ecu and keep the vtec controller, not having alot of luck so far :(
all u should need is an adapter harness for your ecu? once ur ecu plugs in ur laughin
well unfortunately icant use ma old obd0 loom as its been very badly cut and "repaired", injectors are cracked and theres also some very poor connections in places, my car was a d16a9 before aswell so i think if i was going to use and obd0 it would have to be a loom of a vtec model, trying to fiqure out how to use the full obd2a loom but my back up plan is to get crx vtec clocks, ed9 clocks are missing a plug, and get the conversion stuff for it
quick update, sorry iv not been posting alot to you guys following the build, been looking for another job so its kinda taking priority the last week or 2.

i have no pics as yet but i will be uploading some tomorrow night,
got ma engine out and engine bay has had a quick paint for now. still made sure it was a good coat though, and iv started to strip down and clean the b16 and get it ready to get painted aswell. fitted my other dash but..unfortunately i had no choice but to cut it more than i really wanted to :/ and..scrapped a lot of paint off the cage while putting the new dash in. spent week painting it and making sure it was decent but now i need to pretty much re do the front of it :(

other than that its just been small things that i needed to do. cut mt rear bumper to start doing some work to that and i had a j's rep lip on an sir bumper, cut the fog light flanges on that to fit it on my 16v bumper

il get some pics up tomorrow night :)
engine out and ready to strat rubbing it down and more primer before the paint goes on :)

cleaned and painted :) yes some of the wiring got paint over it but this is only for now. once the engine in and running and the car has had the body work done and a repaint. its going back on the road and becoming a running project, the engine is getting painted to but the rest of the bay will get done next year :)

floor, under the dash and the rear all painted, as i said in my last update...i will need to re-do the front of the cage :( left the lid off ma paint so il need to get more :L
still needs tidied up but may have to screw it down in the centre as it keeps coming off the tape. bumper needs painted to as its been rattle canned by an old owner

and finally...the best bit, the b16 :) started striping some bits of so that i can start to clean and de-grease it all :) the rocker cover and some other part will be getting powder coated at my work and some other parts will be getting painted else where :) also have a buddy club vtec controller that wont be getting put on till theres some more mods on the engine, and a buddy club o2 sensor so i can run the car without a cat :) :L
yj  rt-min.JPG
Looking good ! Love the cage , black and yellow go great ,
Tidy power plant too ! Good FD will make that car really fun to drive .
Keep up the good work dude .
thanks mate :) gettin there :) picking up some more parts at the end of the month, then all i need is to get some bit from rywire and do all the gaskets and it should be good to crank over :D