What REALLY pi**es you off?

Lee s

Jun 28, 2010
I'll start,

People who park next to me when the car park is EMPTY!!

oh and people who are to lazy to go round a roundabout correctly and give you attitude when you honk them!!
People taking my payment for alternators, then putting me on ignore.
People who dont know the rules of the road and how to use roundabouts. They just pull out in front of you
Traffic! :drive:

Or when people brake for no reason on motorways, and dont pull into the other lanes when going slow!
Carpark dents

I have just spent like £700 getting a new rear quarter welded in and side sprayed because the old one was full of carpark dents and starting to rust, so f*ck them all i now park across 2 spaces when ever i go shoping.

That pic bellow is the only one i have of my car without any!! as i took it the first day it way on the road and the next some drunk booted a nice toe shaped dent in the door!! :angry2:
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People who dont know the rules of the road and how to use roundabouts. They just pull out in front of you

This is my local roundabout... people shoot across it, I kid you not! :nerv:


Now I know the reason for getting a roll cage in my ek :lol:
Looks like there is parking spaces in the middle.. Some old woman would just drive straight through :shocked:
That guys is the 'Magic roundabout' - Swindon.

5 mini bouts in one. lol! You should see this thing in action during rush hour. I dont know how people havnt died on that thing the way people drive over it.
hahaha to be honest i would be lost at that roundbout. Holly shiiiiiiit
how you get tailgaters just up your arse for the hell of it.One dick sat up my arse so i slowed down to like 30 and he passed me so i followed him for a good mile or two ready for war.And how expensive fuel and k swaps are lol wish they were cheap so i can do one
people that go off topic :angry:....

haha jokes :p

- Mad junkies getting on my bus and taking ages to find thier junkie travel pass holding everyone up !

- not indicating

- cutting me up

- wee neds shouting "here mate nice motor show us a wheelspin"
x2 on the tailgaiters.

I always just cruise up to 30mph signs at 50 then slam on as soon as i get to the 30 lol.

Usualy they are the type of people who dont stick to 30 in the zones and dont expect it. I had an ass in a ford ka lock up behind me the other day. I couldnt even see his numberplate or headlights out my rear window for over 5miles he was that close. I only really chance it when im in the van as it has a nice big towbar on the back of it haha.